Thursday, 14 October 2010

Has it been six months already?

With fond farewells, promises to keep in touch, and a million shared memories it was time for the group to go their separate ways after an epic journey which started on the 18th of April this year.  6 months and 23 countries later, the 2010 expedition has drawn to a close.  Thanks to everyone for making it another great expedition!

KRG10425 - The Group - Fancy dress, Song-Kul Lake

But the journey isn’t over for everyone just yet.  Kirsten has headed to Borneo and Brunei with Roberta, Lesley, Ben, Simon, Barry and Pauline for three weeks exploring the fascinating Sarawak and Sabah provinces, and the tiny country of Brunei.  Keep watching this blog for amazing photos of the wildlife and cities along their way.

And what about the rest of the group?  Some are starting anew in Australia or NZ, some are returning residents after a long absence.  Some are saving for their next expedition (Africa next year), while others have decided to potter around South East Asia for a bit longer on their own.  Some are visiting friends and relatives in Australia before heading back to the UK, some haven’t quite decided yet what they want to do!  And special mention has to be made of Simon who will be heading to Cape Town straight after Borneo to join Pete and Kirsten on the Cape Town to Cairo expedition which leaves in early November!

PS - If you want to follow the blog for the Africa expedition it is

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